Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wild Safari Grill for Lunch

 Last Sunday was the christening of my friend's daughter, Yssay. It was also the birthday of her son, so it was a double celebration. We dined at Safari Grill at Torres st. . Safari Grill is one of the cheapest buffets you can go to here in Davao City. You can have a lunch buffet for only P268 and dinner buffet for P280. The buffet boasts it's fair selection of grilled food. Pork, gizzard, liver, beef, and chicken, was available at their grill table that time. I'm not sure if they have grilled seafood's because it was my first time to dine there, hopefully they have, cause I'll surely be a loyal customer once they add grilled squid on the table.

Aside from grilled food, Safari Grill also offers other types of viand and side dishes. They have sweet and sour fish, pork adobo, buttered chicken, chop suey, spaghetti (which wasn't refilled. I just noticed scraps of pasta and tomato sauce on that container)and more (wasn't really drooling over their food's presentation so I can't remember everything that's on their buffet). For their dessert, you can make yourself your own halo-halo or maybe mais con yelo. They have little slices of cake which wasn't alluring. haha They have fruits, pineapple and watermelon. Safari Grill even has mangga't bagoong! Last but not the least, they have different flavors of ice-cream which you can scoop for yourself. You can even add an ample amount of chocolate syrup and marshmallows to go with it. Thumbs up for that! haha

All-in-all, the food was okay. I highly recommend their chicken barbeque! It was really good, the sauce tasted awesome and the chicken wasn't over-cooked. Their pork barbecue was too hard, I don't know why. It really looked good because it wasn't a typical pork barbeque that you can actually see small chops of pork skewed on a stick. It was chunky so I grabbed two sticks, but was really disappointed afterwards. Their drinks rather, was surprisingly unlimited as well. As expected in most buffets, you'll get unlimited food but have to pay for drinks which are doubled in price. At Safari Grill you can drink bottomless softdrinks, iced tea, and of course water.

To end this post, Safari Grill is a good buffet considering it's low price. I'll be back!