Thursday, October 20, 2011

Carbonara In Private

Today I had carbonara for breakfast and this time I was not the one who cooked it. My sister made carbonara because yesterday was our dads birthday. I was out during dinner time so I didn't get the chance to enjoy the pasta with my family. So the next day, I reheated the left over pasta and ate it in my room LOL. (pigging in private)
For my sister's carbonara I give it a 7 :) 6 actually, +1 cause she's family HAHAHA
It was not an authentic carbonara wherein we use egg yolks for sauce, It's the creamy one with milk which I always prefer. The white creamy sauce was not greasy, quite perfect but it lacks salt and pepper, and maybe a little herbs. Bacon and Cheese added flavor and zing. Pasta was cooked al dente.

Now for this post I'm going to give you a step-by-step procedure on how I make carbonara, my way. :)
First of all you have to prepare all the ingredients needed on your work table before starting so that you won't end up running around the kitchen. We chefs call it mies en plas (to prepare).
Okay let's get started.

What you will need:
Oil (I prefer olive oil but any cooking oil is okay, even butter)
Onion (Red onion)
Bay Leaf
Bacon (Minced)
White Roux (Flour and butter mixture)
Salt and Pepper


*Pasta (it's always better to cook the pasta first, that's what I do)
1. Boil water
2. Add 1teaspoon of oil and a pinch of salt on the boiling water
3. Add Pasta
4. After 10mins check your pasta, once it's done take it out. If it's still stiff give it a little more time to soften.
(Tip: To have a perfect pasta dish all the time cook your pasta well, boil it at the right time. The pasta should be firm to the touch. An overcooked pasta becomes too soft and wet and it will spoil faster. An undercooked pasta will be very obvious and the people who will eat it will literally hate you :) It will become chewy and hard at some parts, and even though you reheat it, it won't work. once it's done it's done. So before you remove your pasta from the boiling water, check it first. How to check a pasta? simple, use a thong or a fork. Lift a pasta and cut it. You will know I promise)
5. Remove pasta and transfer everything on a strainer bowl, make sure the strainer is on or above your sink. Drain the water. The next thing you should never forget is to pour room temperature water or slightly cold water(tap water is fine) to your pasta(still on the strainer). This is to stop its cooking process.
6. Pasta's done!

7. In another pan heat oil
8. Then saute garlic
9. Add Bacon and fry till brown and crispy
10. Remove cooked bacon and leave it on a plate (do not throw away the excess oil from the frying pan, bacon will release a lot of oil and don't put it to waste cause this can give our sauce a very delicious taste)

1. In a saucepan heat milk and cream (low heat)
2. Slice the onion halfway and insert the bay leaf. Grab one clove and also insert it anywhere on the onion. probably on top or the bottom (soft sides). Place it on the saucepan and let it boil.
3. Once it's starting to boil remove the onion.
4. Stir continuously
5. Add the Roux and cover the saucepan for about 5mins then stir again
6. When the sauce is thick, turn off the heat. Pour a little of that bacon oil I told you to keep earlier.

7. Throw pasta on the saucepan
8. Mix
9. Add the cooked bacon
10. Sprinkle a pinch or two of Salt and Pepper to taste
12. Add cheese
11. Smile and Serve
(Tip: You can add herbs like, Basil, Thyme, Rosemary. To add more flavor)

Photo from Google Images

I hope you liked my Carbonara recipe! :)


  1. Hi! I'd like to try your carbonara recipe but I have a few question.
    1) I am wondering what kind of cream do you use, will Nestle cream do?
    2) What kind of milk product are you using as well?
    3) I'd like to know how do you prepare the Roux.
    4) And how do you Step #2 in making the sauce, the part where onion is placed. Are the bay leaf and clove stuffed inside the onion. I'm sorry that I'm so clueless but I'd like to know it really bad. :)

    Your recipe seems so authentic and I love to hear answers straight from you. I hope you can get back soon. Thanks btw.

  2. Hello Melvon! :) thanks for choosing my carbonara recipe :) no it's not really the authentic style that originated in Italy where they use egg yolks for sauce rather than the white creamy sauce that we're used to :) but still this is the basic recipe for the White Sauce carbonara which is popular nowadays.

    1. I use Nestle all purpose cream :)
    2. For the milk, you can use nestle fresh milk the ones that are in square boxes.. not the powdered ones :) (any fresh milk will do though)
    3. Roux is very simple, this recipe calls for white Roux. melt the butter in a sauce pan, in a very low heat.. then mix in a little flour at a time till you get an oatmeal like consistency. :)
    4. yes. take an onion. peel it. slice the from the the top half way, "make a cut" wherein you can stuff the bay leaf in. the clove it can be pierced anywhere around the onion. As long as these three ingredients are in tact then you're good to go :)

    hope i answered your questions fairly :)
