Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Try this Cracker

I applied for Blog Catalog so that i could get more viewers. Too bad, they rejected my application. They said I should write at least 10 posts so that I could get an approval from their site. Bummer! I only have two, and now three..

So I thought of blogging about this local cracker I just ate. Here's a photo:

I've known Magic Flakes for years already. They've been one of my favorite local biscuit brands since I was a kid. They have different varieties if you're looking for different tastes of sandwiched biscuits - chocolate, butter, cheese, and plain.
The one I ate is cheese flavor. The pack contains 4 pieces of crackers which I can say are really good and I can name a few who also agrees with me. The crackers are always crispy (good storage pack), the flavor is not that cheesy though - good ( I give it a 7), and addictiveness 8 . If you'll be munching these crackers after reading my blog or better yet munching while reading, be sure not to do it on the bed. I made lots of crumbs and cracker bits for me to clean up afterwards.

So the next time you think of buying a pick-a or a snack, try this one. Overall I give it a 7.

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