Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sesame Seeds

My mom asked me if I already ate this tiny snack my sister brought for us. I said, huh? no, where is it?.. She handed me this tiny candy like wrapper. I immediately ran to my room, took a picture of the candy so that I can write a critic about it.
I don't know what this is called cause the name is written in Chinese. The wrapper says it's made in Macau. I'm just gonna show you a picture.

There it is! The candy like snack is covered with black sesame seeds. It's very interesting, I had no hesitations -  I have to taste it. The inside of it is composed of nuts and, I think caramel and milk. Sadly I'm not into nuts especially when it is placed into something sweet like chocolates and candies. I feel like I'm going to get tooth decay with those stuffs. So I don't like it. I'm going to give it 1 for taste. I'm sorry