Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tomato on Food

What is a Tomato? Tomato botanically is a fruit but also considered as vegetable. It is a red and round fruit that has a smooth skin and usually are used in salads, sauces, soups, and even drinks.

Tomatoes on food is very nutritious! Tomatoes contain vitamins that are really good for the body like lycopene that is a good source of antioxidant. It is also said to be good for the heart, helps prevent prostate cancer, and it aids the skin when exposed to the harmful rays of the sun. (Kinda like a natural sun block!)

There are a lot of uses of tomatoes when it comes to cooking, when you browse the internet you'll find a thousands of it. Me myself I like it raw and sometimes when I'm feeling it I dip it in salt. Okay so we know the positive effects of eating tomatoes, But is it true that its seeds are bad for us?

From what I learned there is a 1% out of 10 chance that you're going to get sick when eating tomato seeds. You see, these seeds are indigestible so when it enters your body it'll just be moving around your intestines. Most of it will come out of course but, if you get unlucky.. studies say that a seed can be dangerous when it enters your appendix cause it can cause appendicitis. But like I mentioned 1% chance! and tomatoes has a lot more when we talk about benefits! So worry no more, whether you eat the seeds or not a good heart and a healthy skin is a bite away!

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